Visit to American corner Bitola part one

Life and culture

February offers a chance to slowly shake off winter and steadily prepare for the upcoming spring – no better timing than that to get out of the classroom and build new skills. For the second time this school year, our students had the chance to interact in real-life situations, this time in American Corner in Bitola.

Our first group of students faced the challenge of borrowing books from the library. The goal was to use appropriate language in a library simulation and they lived up to it! The experience served as an ice-breaker for many real and/or simulated situations they will find themselves in.


The second group attended a soft skills course (part one of two): the essentials and how-tos of approaching today’s job market. While everyone has his/her own individual preferences and style(s), we learned the basics and nuances of building a personal professional portfolio (CV, cover letter), as well as  the updated dos and don’ts. Keeping up-to-date with the ever-changing climate and trends is perhaps the most important part in building new professional skills.

This is only the first part of our busy February schedule and the beginning of our plans to visit other places which offer real-life opportunities to use our English, as well as expand our knowledge and hone our skills. 



Mare N. Joshevska
  • 6 Min. Read

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