Greetings from historical Belfast, North Ireland!

Unlimited stories



Mare N. Joshevska
  • 5 Min. Read

May is the month which presents our productivity to the highest level, full with meetings and brainstorming new amazing ideas.

May is also one of the best times to visit Ireland. Days are long (sun rises at 05:17 and sets at 21:26) and mild (9.0 °C and 13.0 °C). It's also just before the schools finish for the year, so it's not as busy as the summer months.

Ireland in May is late spring, and also one of the best months to visit as there are less chance of rain. Grateful for all the opportunities that make our working hours more pleasant and delightful.

We have the best associates from around the world. Our team had an eventful day, meeting with clients and sightseeing to the max! Greetings from historical Belfast, North Ireland!

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