Emilija Stojcevska Bakrevska interview


Today we celebrate work anniversary of our colleague Ema, she is backend developer and is part of our company for three years. When we talking about team work, helping and mentoring others, she is our girl. This interview is dedicated to an amazing person and brilliant developer. Happy work anniversary Ema, to many more successful years!

  1. Do you remember your first day to work?

    Yup, we were working from home because of the Covid. It was strange to meet everyone on camera.

  1. What was the main reason for you to decide to be in this industry?


I never felt fully immersed in the career path that I have chosen for my self, I was definitely not the right material and didn't have the emotions to be working with the law. Wanting to try something new I came across w3school.com and out of curiosity started the HTML course. After that I felt like I needed to take the CSS course, and well … you can stop on CSS. It was just getting interesting :D. So I said goodbye to the law and said hello to future. I ignored what my mind was imploring and followed what my heart was saying.


  1. Describe your daily routine at the office.

    Drink coffee, put on some music, and code. And repeat that after the end of the working day :D, on some days extend the working hours by drinking one or two or .. drinks in the office


  1. What are the five main ingrediance for good team?

- communication

- acceptance

- helping each other

- encouraging to learn new things

-Last but the most important - HAVING FUN  which allows us the opportunity to connect and create bonds.


  1. Favorite sentence..?

    "The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."

    1. What will you advice the young girls who want to be a future developers?  -Do it.






Mare N. Joshevska
  • 6 Min. Read

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